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Learn more about the Professional Referral Service from the Collaborative Project of Maryland. Search alphabetically by first name, or use the categories to search by Maryland county or professional service type. Click on a professional’s name or photo to learn more about their work and to contact them.

Andrea Hirsch

Andrea Hirsch, Collaborative Family Law Attorney, Negotiation Attorney,Mediator // Professional Referral Service Profile Collaborative Project of Maryland

Cherie Morris

Cherie Morris, Co-Parent Coach, Divorce Coach, Individual Coach, Parent Coordinator // Professional Referral Service Profile Collaborative Project of Maryland

Geoffrey Burroughs

Geoffrey Burroughs, Divorce Financial Planner, Financial Neutral // Professional Referral Service Profile Collaborative Project of Maryland

Gretchen Conley

Gretchen Conley, Real Estate Transition Specialist // Professional Referral Service Profile Collaborative Project of Maryland

Jac Knust

Jac Knust, Collaborative Attorney, Litigation Attorney, Mediator // Professional Referral Service Profile Collaborative Project of Maryland

Jenna Clothier

Jenna Clothier, Collaborative Attorney, Litigation Attorney, Negotiation Attorney // Professional Referral Service Profile Collaborative Project of Maryland

Joseph Shagena

Joseph Shagena, Mortgage Lender // Professional Referral Service Profile Collaborative Project of Maryland

Kate McDonough

Kate McDonough, Collaborative Attorney, Litigation Attorney, Mediator // Professional Referral Service Profile Collaborative Project of Maryland

Kathleen Wobber

Kathleen Wobber, Collaborative Attorney, Mediator, Negotiation Attorney, Litigation Attorney // Professional Referral Service Profile Collaborative Project of Maryland